OGREs Developmental League

OGREs Developmental League
Fantasy Football Done Right.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cyberbrains vs. MIA

The Chiba Cyberbrains vs. The Alderaan MIA
@ The Section 9 Superdome 

Paragon Percentage: Luke Skywalker will enter play.
Coin Toss: MIA win, will receive.
Kickoff: Guile kicks a long one way back to Mr. Fantastic, who valiantly crosses half the field before being brought down by the Hulkster.
First Quarter: Luke is able to use the skills of his team to their fullest, resulting in easy first downs and touchdowns from the start. The Cylons are great at blocking but he seems to be able to find his way around them. Meanwhile Vega does manage to keep his team moving forward against the Battletoads but its not nearly as consistent or easy, and doesn't result in a touchdown every possession.
Second Quarter: Finally snapping, Vega takes out the Battletoads and before replacement King Arthur can get situated a number of turnovers and offensive blitz allows the Cyberbrains to close the gap and gain the lead. Not content with this failure, Skywalker manages to stop the rally and reverse the odds again and leads the MIA back into the end zone, ending the first half up by 5.
Third Quarter: Benoit gives it all to allow the Cyberbrains a touchdown, and is replaced by Buzzsaw. An injured Hulk manages to hulk up for a play and land another one, giving the Cyberbrains a small lead. But Luke ends the quarter with back-to-back touchdown-intercept-touchdown combos, blowing the Cyberbrains chances.
Fourth Quarter: A sad quarter spent waiting for the time to run out, as the MIA advance their lead with ease.

Result: CC 37 - AMIA 69

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