Coin Toss: MIA win, will receive
Kickoff: Squirrel Girl kicks to Aragorn and immediately her quirky beauty stuns the ranger, who then immediately is convinced by Uncle Sam to spend some time with the Aberrations. Aragorn steps out of the end zone after catching the ball only to step back into it and kneel, giving the Aberrations two points.
1st Quarter: The odd start is shaken off as Aragorn is escorted off the field and replaced by Speed Racer. The Flash relies heavily on a running game and keeps Lobo busy, allowing a slow-but-steedy march of downs. Gray Mouser ends up inexplicably slipping by Lobo for a 18 yard touchdown giving the MIA the lead. Arthur takes to the air to go over Lobo for the conversion. The slow march of the MIA waste most of the quarter's time, so time runs out after the Aberrations gain possession.
2nd Quarter: The Animaniacs use their ability to soften the tactical might of Demoman. The already erratic quarterback then decides that the best course of action is to blow some shit up. A shotgun formation leads to Demoman launching a long pass that is intercepted by Dot Warner - but OH NO, its not the football. Its a grenade. As the crowd cries and Yakko and Wakko dive to take cover from bits of Dot, they fail to notice that the ball was actually sleight-of-handed to Drizz't who took to the outside and is in the endzone for a touchdown. The remaining animaniacs, still reeling, can't stop Drizz't from successfully completing the conversion. The MIA take the carry with plenty of time on the clock and the offense is already sporting black armbands. Legolas and The Flash work hand in hand to continue to fight a dual-forked running game that keeps Lobo guessing. Moving at a much faster pace, Legolas finally enters the endzone. Arthur fails at the kick, much to the dismay of everyone. The Aberrations gain possession and make a strong push before the halftime.
3rd Quarter: The second half starts with the Aberrations in control near their own 45. Not content to settle with just murder, the Aberrations take the running game style of the MIA and turn it against them with their magnetic fastball. Demoman keeps handing the ball over to Wolverine who is pushed forward by teammate Magneto from the bench for a first down every single play. Logan takes the easy touchdown and Squirrel Girl succeeds on the kick. The MIA take back the ball for a long haul. Gorilla Grodd takes to having a personal fight with Lobo that doesn't hurt him but makes Grodd feel better and keeps Lobo busy. This allows Scout to make a quick 80 yard touchdown. Starscream helps Arthur land the kick this time. The Aberrations quickly land another touchdown thanks to their magnetic fastballs. The conversion is good. The quarter ends with the MIA carrying at their own 20.
4th Quarter: Wakko and Yakko get a little bit of vengeance for their lost sister when they trick Magneto into pulling a sledgehammer full speed into himself on the Aberrations bench while they are sitting on the MIA bench. This gives the MIA a penalty and pushes them back 5, but Scout and gang manage to still make the touchdown after a few minutes of driving downfield. With Magneto knocked out, Wolverine can't rely on the overly-easy fastball but the team is still strong. A strong Simba comes in from the bench and Drizz't takes a ride on the returned king to the endzone. During this series of plays Donatello slips to the Aberrations bench and reprograms Starscream so he can no longer aid his teammates. The weakened MIA begin a long drive that takes up most of the time on the clock until Lobo manages to intercept a throw to the weakened Starscream when the benched Sherlock Holmes tells him what play is about to run. With the carry and seconds left, Vash the Stampede finally drops his stupidity act and runs a touchdown for the solid win. The conversion is good.
R.I.P. Dot Warner 1993 - 2013 |
Results: AA 34 - AMIA 30